Polar Bears Cricket Club News story

Mini 20/20 Bearlow and AGM combined 25th July 2015

16 Jun 2015


Thanks to all Bears who have participated in the LMS 20/20 Autumn Comp. and congrats for making the finals!

Your "president-elect" Gribbs has sent out invitation today to the Winter Comp. (let the good times roll) and if interested please reply to that e-mail (not this one!)

To kill 2 birds we will celebrate the Autumn 20/20 winners and grinners and hold the AGM at the same time next month (25th or 31st July).

Venue yet to be quibbled by the commitee but will either be at Rose Cottage (weather permitting), the Burns Club or the trad. home of the AGM the Calwell...(no)...Vikings Lanyon.      

Probably kick off after lunchtime (so say 2pm onwards).

That means that yes I will be taking nominations for positions or just arbitrarily place people into roles....